Saturday, June 1, 2024

May Top 3

   After much deliberation, the design team has meticulously selected the top three anything-but-a-card, and we eagerly anticipate sharing them with you in the order they were received. Brace yourself for a remarkable dose of inspiration! 🎉

Alyson, Create With Alyson: #11

Aimslee,  Paper Paisleys: #54

Meghan, Made By Meghan: #57

On to the next top 3.  Card-makes listed in the order of submission....

Betta, BettaScrap: #4

Wendylynn, Wendylynn's Paper Whim: #45

Tina, Treebug: #58

Don't forget to grab your badge!  We sincerely hope you proudly display it on your blog for everyone to see.

Your support means the world to us, and we truly appreciate it. Thank you once again for being a part of our community.


  1. Thank YOU so much!!!!!
    I'm really happy!!!!!

    1. You are very welcome! Congratulations!! Makira

  2. Thrilled to have my card make in the Top 3! Thanks so much! Congrats to the other Tops as well. XOX
