
Thursday, May 30, 2024


A Fond Farewell to A Beloved Design Team Member

All crafters go through their own crafting journeys, and while it is difficult to part with a friend, we look forward to continuing to keep up with her no matter what is in store for her in the future!

Today marks a fond farewell to Sara Lihz, our gifted designer. We express our gratitude for the stunning projects she has contributed throughout the past year and extend our heartfelt wishes for her future ventures. We are confident that her talents will lead her to great success in all her endeavors.

For those who wish to stay connected, you can find Sara Lihz on her YouTube Channel.

Before we part ways, let's take one last look at some of Sara Lihz's remarkable creations.


  1. Wishing Sarah every success in her new ventures

  2. Best wishes to Sarah and many thanks for all the inspiration, xoxo
